Creative work

Marketing portal

Save time and track all your marketing materials in one place
In our marketing portal, you can keep track of the design of all your marketing materials. The portal ensures that all market communication is consistent and follows the organisational style. When corporate departments or retailers need business cards, letterhead, brochures, banners, etc., they may use the portal themselves to customize names, wording and other relevant information without you having to get involved and without you needing to develop or approve local designs. The entire process is of course controlled by passwords and templates; you are the one to determine who may make adjustments and what may be corrected and adjusted.
Business card solution
You will therefore be spending minimal resources to track, manage, distribute and archive your marketing materials. An added benefit is that all information in the system is current at all times.
A business card solution is just one part of the marketing portal. Getting set up is a matter of just a few hours.
Postage service
Mail your magazine cheaply – to the right readers
It is one thing to make a leaflet or magazine of high quality – it is quite another to get it into the hands of the right recipient at the best price. You achieve both goals with Postage Service. (KLS PurePrint is a co-owner of the service.) Postage Service specialises in handling mail and magazine distribution and currently distributes hundreds of magazine titles. Using Postage Service entitles you to attractive preferred client agreements with Post Nord and other distributors, thus reducing your mailing costs. Your shipment reaches the intended recipients with Postage Service – that’s something up to 15% of an average shipment cannot claim. With Postage Service, you have the option of having your mailing lists verified against Post Nord’s and Bladkompagniet’s own lists, thereby guaranteeing on average 98% accurate deliveries.
Handle distribution and CRM in one place
Postage Service in addition offers subscriber service, call centres, CRM solutions for subscriber management, package deals at attractive prices, unaddressed mailings, and postage agreements. These services let you handle all distribution and CRM in one place.